Do you want to know the other converters that convert WEBP images to JPG, PNG image format?Here is the list of free converter that helps you to convert (.webp) to any format that you want.
Trick to convert (WEBP to any format):
STEP 1: Go to the .webp image and Right click over it.
STEP 2: Select ‘Open image in new tab’. Now the image get open in new tab with its image URL.
STEP 3: In that URL remove ‘-rw’ which is at the end.
STEP 4: Now reload the page by press Enter Key.
STEP 5: Right click on the image now and select ‘Save image as’ option.
Now you can able to save the image in jpg, gif, jpeg or any other format which do you want.
If you feel you want some other converter is better to convert then you can use the bellow converter.
List of free converters to convert (WEBP to any format):
1.Picasa :
This converter supports for Windows and MAC. This helps you to convert Google’s Image (.webp format) to any image format jpg or png.
Picasa | Windows, Mac |
Steps to convert webp format to png or jpeg:
- Select the .webp files you wish to convert to JPEG in Picasa.
- Click File then “Export Picture to Folder”.
- A dialog box will get open named “Export to Folder”. Click Browse option to choose the target of the folders which you want to export.
- Name the Folder and Click “OK”.
This converter supports for Windows, Mac, Linux, etc. This helps you to convert Google’s Image (.webp format) to any other format by using command line arguments. This converter has several GUI front ends.
ImageMagick | Windows, Mac, Linux etc |
Steps to convert by using imagemagick with the command:
- Use the following command to convert png image format.
dwebp file.webp -o abc.png
2. If you want to convert image to jpg then use below command.
dwebp 1.webp -o – | convert – 1.jpg
3. XnConvert
XnConvert is free cross-platform batch image processor or converter that supports for Windows, Mac, Linux, etc.
XnConvert | Windows, Mac, Linux etc |
Steps to convert(.webp source) by using XnConvert:
- Go to the application window of XnConvert.
- Drag and drop the image(.webp) which you desire to convert (jpg, png, jpeg).
- Go to Output tab.
- There is a drop-down menu available to select an output format. Select your desired format from that list.
- Then click on “Convert” button. You will achieve your target now.
4. NConvert
This is also Command line service from the creators of XNConvert and XNView. This is suited for Windows, Mac, Linux, Others. Let see in detail.
NConvert | Windows, Mac, Linux etc |
Steps to convert .webp images to other format using NConvert:
Use the following command line:
nconvert -out jpeg WEBP_Example.webp
5. FastPictureViewer
FastPictureViewer converter can be used in Windows. This makes use of WEBP codec and helps to save images into our desired formats.
FastPictureViewer | Windows, Mac, Linux etc |
Other free converters that support WEBP as source:
IrfanView | Windows |
GIMP | Windows, Mac, Linux, Others |
Paint.NET | Windows, Mac, Linux, Others |
RWPaint | Windows |
WebP Utility | Windows | | Online Converter | | Online Converter | | Online Converter |
Final Word:
Hope that you are able to convert webp source file to your target file now. If you have any doubts leave your questions in below comment box we will ready to support you.
Articles To Read:
Do you have the problem in opening Files (.webp) in your adobe photoshop?